Monday 11 November 2013

Aubergine Pasta

(From Jamie Oliver's Website)

 4–6 tbsp olive oil  (used Fry Light)
• 1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes 
• 1 small onion, finely chopped 
• 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 
• A small bunch basil, leaves picked, stalks finely chopped 
• 2 aubergines, cut into 2cm slices 
• 500g rigatoni (used pasta twists)

main courses | serves 4–6
1. Heat Fry Light in a pan and sweat the onion, garlic and basil stalks for 7 minutes. Add the tomatoes, season well and bring to a steady simmer. Cook for about 20 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, fry the aubergine in the remaining oil until golden, then stir into the tomato sauce with the basil leaves. Cook the pasta according to packet instructions, drain, then stir through the sauce. Divide between plates. (May add cheese if desired, as a Healthy A option) 

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