Thursday 14 November 2013

Ms Slinky 2013 (Leybourne Group)

Winning the Leybourne Group Slimming World Ms Slinky 2013 is a huge indication that I must be doing something right.
To date, I am just 2 lbs short of a 2 stone weight loss, having only joined the group in August 2013.
Thank you to my Slimming World group in Leybourne for all the support. Above all, thank you to my consultant, Beverley Conroy for being such an inspiration to everyone.

This was the speech that I delivered during the nomination night. This probably summarises my story.

To be obese and fit in this society, is a big challenge.

But to be obese, and have depression is an even bigger one.

I spent 11 years of my life as an associate creative director for advertising. I wrote ads for global brands like Neutrogena, McDonalds and Nike. I was earning the wage of a stockbroker, I was on top of the world, and on top of my career. I was independent, confident and driven.

All of that changed when I got married and fell pregnant. I gained 3 stone in the span of my pregnancy. I had preeclampsia, and had an emergency C-section. I was so disillusioned by the reality of motherhood.  I didn’t realise that my little one can be more demanding than all of my Marketing clients put together. I viewed it as an endless cycle of milk, pram walking and poo cleaning. I turned to food to give me comfort. While my baby cried, I would stuff myself with KFC. While she was sucking her milk bottle, I would finish a litre of normal Coke.

I ballooned like mad, and put on a lot of weight. I was diagnosed with post natal depression and was prescribed a ton of anti-depressants.
I developed a phobia that was social related. I became so scared of people. I felt shivers down my spine and always felt anxious just thinking about going to Tescos.  One day, while I was pushing the pram, a teenage boy honked his car and said, “Hey Peppa Pig, out of my way!”

I cried uncontrollably and felt devastated. I’ve never felt so humiliated in all my life. The once confident, successful career woman has lost her identity. I was at the lowest point of my life.

I told myself, I had two choices—to carry on eating my way out of depression, or do something about it.

One fateful day, I saw a poster of Slimming World. I thought, maybe this was the help that I needed.

 I was a bag of nerves when I first entered to have my induction. But I remember Beverley saying to me, “You’ve done the hardest bit already, by walking through that door.”

Every pound that I lost each week is like a light bulb that lit up my dark alley of misery. From the depressed woman who couldn’t even utter a word in front of strangers, to someone talking before a huge crowd today, I would say that I have already achieved a milestone. To be nominated as Ms Slinky is a huge honour for me.But to actually finish this speech without having panic attack, for me is an even more remarkable triumph.

I saw my doctor the other day and she was pleased with my progress.  She saw a healthier, more confident me, and as a result reduced the dose of my anti-depressants.

Thanks to Slimming World, I no longer live in darkness.

Thanks to Slimming World, I am reunited with my old self.

I am so fired up to reach my target weight. When that happens, I can finally tell other Mums with depression my story.  I can tell them that they too, can be strong and take control of their lives.

In a span of 12 weeks, I lost a lot of weight, and as result, gained a lot of confidence. I almost am reunited with my old self. Now I can’t wait to get up each morning to cook my meals , write my blog , and above all, see my baby's beautiful smile each day.

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